수업 날짜 : 24/04/01
수업의 주제는 Personality였다. 다시 들어봐도 너무 구린 나의 speaking
1. Conversation Review
Ross : Do you have a preference which we do first? Would you like to do the conversation first?
Me : I think looking for some phrases better to me.
의도 : 저는 개인적으로 대화보다 영어 표현들을 먼저 익히는게 좋을 것 같아요.
의도(English) : I personally think it's better to learn English phrases before conversations for me.
Ross : First of, have you heard this? or you familiar with this?
Me : No I've not heard this word.
의도 : 아니요 처음들어봐요.
의도(English) : No, I've never heard of it.
Ross : So what that, what do you think come across might mean? What's a good replacement word for that phrase?
Me : I think the word "come across" means "a sudden change".
의도 : 제 생각에 "come across"라는 단어는 "갑작스러운 성격 변화"의 의미일 것 같아요.
의도(English) : I think the word "come across" means "sudden change of personality".
Ross : So what that, what do you think fit in might mean?
Me : I think the word "fit in" means "adapt something".
의도 : 뭔가 "fit in"이라는 단어의 뉘앙스가 무언가에 적응하는 의미일 것 같아요.
의도(English) : I think the nuance of the word "fit in" is that it means to adapt to something.
Ross : What that, what do you think come into means?
Me : I don't know the word "came into its own" means.
의도 : "came into its own"에서 "its own"이 의미하는게 뭔지 모르겠어요.
의도(English) : I'm not sure what "its own" means in "came into its own".
Ross : Is this something you've heard of before or is this new?
Me : It's new but, I might can guess it. Do not judge someone by only first impression.
의도 : 처음 들어보는데, 웬지 추측할 수 있을 것 같아요. 누군가를 첫 인상만 보고 판단하지 말라는 의미 같아요.
의도(English) : I've never heard of it before, but I think I have a guess: it means don't judge someone based on their first
Ross : Can you give me an example of why you believe you are analytical?
Me : This one is quite related with my major statistic, I learned statistics when I met some problems or situation I think I tend to solve the problem analytical.
의도 : 이건 제 전공인 통계학과도 관련이 있어요. 통계학을 배우고 나서 부터는, 어떤 상황이나 문제에 직면하면 이를 분석적으로 바라보고 문제를 해결하려고 노력하는 것 같아요.
의도(English) : This ties in with my major, statistics, because ever since I learned statistics, I feel like when I'm faced with
a situation or a problem, I try to look at it analytically and try to solve it.
Ross : Do you believe that you became interested in statistics because you are an analytical person or do you think your studying statistics made you an analytical person?
Me : I think both of them make sense. Because when I was a high school student, some of my friends told me that I'm very analytical people.
의도 : 둘 다 맞는 말 같아요. 제가 고등학생이였을 때, 제 친구들은 항상 저에게 분석하는 능력이 좋다고 말해주었고, 통계학과에 와서 통계 방법론들을 배우다 보니 그러한 특성이 더욱 강해진 것 같아요.
의도(English) : I think they're both right. When I was in high school, my friends always told me that I had a good analytical mind, and I think coming to the statistics department and learning statistical methodologies has strengthened that trait.
Ross : Why do you believe you are an emotional person?
Me : Because when I saw sad movies or sorroful tv series, I was usually crying when I watch that.
의도 : 왜냐하면 저는 슬픈 드라마나 영화를 볼 때, 등장인물이 울면 그 사람의 감정에 이입되면서 같이 따라서 울기 때문이에요.
의도(English) : This is because when I watch a sad show or movie, if a character is crying, I identify with their emotions and cry along with them.
Ross : What makes you a creative person?
Me : I think one of my characteristic is like to do trivial thoughts.
의도 : 제 생각에 제가 창의적이게 된 가장 큰 이유는 시도 때도 없는 잡생각들 때문인 것 같아요.
의도(English) : I think the biggest thing that drives me to be creative is the random thoughts I have without even trying.
Ross : What kind of trivial thoughts do you have that you make creative?
Me : So various things like when I was walking on the road I sometimes think about car accident and might not happens to me like that.
의도 : 예를들어, 절대 일어나지 않은 일이란 것을 알지만, 길을 걸을 때 교통사고가 나는 상황, 좀비가 습격하는 상황 등을 상상하곤 하는데, 그런 상상들이 저를 더 창의적이게 만드는 것 같아요.
의도(English) : For example, I know it's never happened, but when I'm walking down the street, I imagine a car accident,
a zombie attack, and so on. I think that's what makes me more creative.
2. Feedback
- overall very well
- analytical : 발음에 유의
- but, yours, my 와 같은 소유격 잘 지킬것
- with 같은 전치사도 빼놓지 말자
- me either -> 둘 중 하나를 의미하므로 me too가 적절
[some expressions]
come across as : to give a particular impression or vibe to others (
~한 성격, 태도로 보이다(실제로는 아닐수도))
fit in : to feel comfortable and accepted in a social group or situation
come into : to develop or acquire a quality or characteristic, often gradually
Don't judge a book by its cover : one should not judge the worth or value of something or someone by their outward appearance alone
A chip on one's shoulder : Referring to someone who harbors resentment or a grudge.The black sheep : Referring to the odd or disreputable member of a group or family.
There we go : 잘했어~ / 좋아~
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