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[화상 영어] 여섯번째 수업 리뷰

by climba 2024. 5. 10.

수업 날짜 : 24/04/15


수업의 주제는 Inflation / Business였다.

지난 주에는 굉장히 잘 말이 나와서 speaking 실력이 늘었다고 생각했는데, 평소 별로 생각해볼 기회가 적은 inflation / business / economy 에 대해서 말하려니 말이 잘 안나왔다. 말이 잘 안나오면 자연스럽게 스스로 당황하고, 문법도 많이 망가지는 것 같다. 쉬운 문장을 편하게 말하는 연습을 많이 해야하는데 .. 꾸준히 하다보면 늘겠지 뭐 .. 요즘엔 일주일에 2회 수업으로 늘릴까 하는 생각도 든다.

1. Conversation Review

Ross : Could you tell me what you think it("point out") might mean then if you think you know this word?

Me : I think making examples will more easier. "My teacher points out what my problem is"

의도 : 대충 의미는 알겠는데, 영어로 잘 설명을 못하겠어서 예시 문장으로 설명하는게 쉬울 것 같아요. 
의도(English) : I have a general idea of what it means, but I'm not good at explaining it in English, so it's easier to explain it with an example sentence.


Ross : Are you familiar with "drive up"?

Me : No, I'v never heard this word.

의도 : 아뇨. 한 번도 들어본 적 없어요. 차를 타고 drive가다는 많이 들어봤는데, 아마 그런 의미는 아닐 것 같네요.
의도(English) : No, it doesn't. I've never heard of it. I've heard a lot of people say drive in a car, but I don't think that's what it means.


Ross : With that, could you either tell me what you think "drive up" might means or give me example sentence.

Me : I think it is close the world "cause".

의도 : 원인이 되다, 야기하다 라는 의미의 "cause"와 비슷한 의미일 것 같네요.
의도(English) : I think it's similar to "cause" in the sense of causing, bringing about.


Ross : Is this sounds familiar to you at all?

Me : I've also don't heard this word, but I think I can guess. I think it means tuning

의도 : 이것도 역시 들어본적은 없는데, 추측 가능할 것 같아요. 아마 튜닝하다와 비슷한 의미일 것 같아요.
의도(English) : I haven't heard of this one either, but I can guess: it probably means something similar to tune.


Ross : So have you seen inflation where you live recently?

Me :  Yes, and I started to live alone since this year march, I felt inflation a lot.

의도 : 네, 저는 올해 3월부터 자취를 시작했는데, 자취를 시작하고 특히 더 많이 인플레이션을 체감하는 것 같아요.
의도(English) : Yeah, I've been living on my own since March of this year, and I think I feel the inflation more especially after I start living on my own.


Ross : Where have you noticed inflation since you started living alone?

Me : Many places like grocery stores or supermarket even big markets.

의도 : 편의점이나 슈퍼마켓 심지어 대형 마트 등에서 물가가 너무 비싸다는 것을 통해 느낄 수 있어요.
의도(English) : I can see it in the high prices at convenience stores, supermarkets, and even hypermarkets.


Ross : Have you noticed inflation anywhere else beside the grocery store, supermarket, big-box store?

Me : So you mean other place where I noticed inflation? When I eat dinner outside, I go to the restaurant, the food price is too expensive and the I noticed the inflation.

의도 : 제가 밖에서 외식을 할 때, 식당 같은 곳을 가면 한 끼 식사 비용이 너무 많이 들어서 그럴 때 인플레이션을 느끼는 것 같아요.
의도(English) : I feel like when I go out to eat, when I go to a restaurant or something, it costs so much for one meal, that's when I feel inflation.


Ross : Is there anything else you do to help protect yourself against inflation?

Me : No, the only way I protect myself for inflation is eat dinner at home.

의도 : 주로 집에서 밥을 해먹는게 가장 효과적인 방법인 것 같아요. 식재료 값을 마트에서 사서 요리해먹으면 돈을 훨씬 아낄 수 있으니까요. 또 저는 요리하는 것도 좋아하고요.
의도(English) : I think cooking at home is the most effective way to do this, because it saves me a lot of money compared to eating outside, and also I love to cook.


Ross : Do you think inflation is affecting your neighborhood or city negative way or city doing okay?

Me : I think it's case by case. But I live at Seoul where is the capital of Korea. In Seoul, I think it's okay because I rarely see the empty place.

의도 : 제 생각에 지역마다 다를 수 있을 것 같은데, 저는 대한민국의 수도인 서울에 살고 있어요. 서울에서는 나름 괜찮은 것 같은게, 빈 점포를 거의 보지 못한 것 같아요.
의도(English) : I think it may vary from region to region, but I live in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, and I think it's pretty good in Seoul, I rarely see empty storefronts.


Ross : Have you noticed anything there is a term called "shrink" flation? And what that means is the size of the product or the quality of the product has been reduced in order to keep cost down. Have you noticed any shrink flation?

Me : I think I must noticed shrink but I cannot think about specific example.

의도 : 제 생각에 저는 분명 shrink flation을 경험했을 것 같은데, 지금 당장 구체적인 예시를 말하라니까 어렵네요.
의도(English) : I think I've definitely experienced shrink flation, but it's hard to give a specific example right now.


Ross : What do you think governments do to help keep inflation in check?

Me : I think the government should rent the money to people who needs help because inflation.

의도 : 제 생각에 정부의 역할은 인플레이션으로 인해 힘들어하고 있는 국민들을 위해 보조금을 지급하거나 무이자로 돈을 빌려주는 정책 등을 만들어야한다고 생각해요.
의도(English) : I think the role of the government should be to subsidize people who are struggling with inflation, or create policies to lend money at zero interest, and so on.


Ross : Do you think inflation right now is a global event or do you think it is very localized to the particular region?

Me : I don't know what the answer is, but I think it  is the global event.

의도 : 정답이 뭔지는 모르겠지만 아마도 전 세계적인 현상이지 않을까 생각해요.
의도(English) : I don't know what the answer is, but I think it's probably a global phenomenon.


2. Feedback

nothing .. he doesn't have enough time to give feedback to me😭
